The Royal British Legion - Putney

Latest News
All the latest news from the Club and Branch can be found here. Please message us if you have any comments or questions.
Saturday June 8th 2024

D-Day Commemoration
The 6th of June will be the 80th Anniversary of the D-Day landings in Normandy.
On Saturday the 8th June we will be hosting a special event to commemorate this event.
More information will be posted here and on our social media platforms.

Sunday 19th February 2023
King Charles Coronation Event
Details have yet to be formalised, but we are delighted to announce we will be hosting an event on Saturday 6th May to celebrate the King's Coronation.
We expect to watch the ceremony in our bars, followed by a barbeque in the garden and live music in the evening.
More details to follow.

Thursday 14th July 2022
Change to opening hours
We are delighted to announce that with the start of summer we will be extending our Saturday opening times. We will be open from the new opening time of midday and close as normal at midnight.
We can now enjoy the garden and good company on a Saturday, we look forward to seeing you there.

Sunday 27th March 2022
Getting ready for summer
Work has commenced in the garden (a job not for the faint of heart) so we are ready for summer barbecues and outdoor functions.
Our secure garden is an ideal location to bring your family and friends for a fun afternoon. Bring your garden games, we like to look after the lawn so no rugby scrummages please.
Maintenance of the club and its facilities is an important duty and currently repairs are underway in the gents toilet to repair the floor.
We are keen to hear of any ideas and observations. Brownie points are available if you roll your sleeves up.

Club Annual General Meeting
The club hosted a well attended AGM on Sunday.
A full review of financial accounts were provided and it was agreed that considering the financial challenges caused by the Covid-19 pandemic, the club was in a good position to move forward.
New Club committee members were formally appointed, and plans are in development to increase our social activities and events.